Começou com este...
"NOVAK: All kidding aside. Is this country, with the permissiveness, that we are moving toward a fascist theocracy?
ZAPPA: You bet we are buddy.
NOVAK: Do you things that things like this would ever have happened...
ZAPPA: Give me that famous smile, buddy."
Depois veio este...
"STEWART: Now, this is theater. It's obvious. How old are you?
CARLSON: Thirty-five.
STEWART: And you wear a bow tie.
E foi isto que deu...
"NOVAK: All kidding aside. Is this country, with the permissiveness, that we are moving toward a fascist theocracy?
ZAPPA: You bet we are buddy.
NOVAK: Do you things that things like this would ever have happened...
ZAPPA: Give me that famous smile, buddy."
Depois veio este...
"STEWART: Now, this is theater. It's obvious. How old are you?
CARLSON: Thirty-five.
STEWART: And you wear a bow tie.
E foi isto que deu...
Wikipedia Crossfire
Obrigado, "Dagota" ;)
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